From property inspections to damage reports to pre-checks for charging stations, AIVITEX offers a flexible all-in-one solution that integrates seamlessly across multiple industries. We understand the diverse needs of digital services and remote support and have developed software that adapts to your requirements. Digital. Sustainable. Efficient.
Optimize initial inquiries and prepare for inspections of equipment such as charging stations and heat pumps. With AIVITEX, technicians can perform online inspections and pre-checks without having to travel long distances, reducing downtime and operating costs.
Revolutionize inventory management. Digital audits using AIVITEX enable teams to remotely assess inventory, monitor product quality, and digitally document damage reports.
Transform real estate services, property inspections and online surveys. Virtual tours and live digital checks using AIVITEX simplify the property management process and provide a practical solution for property managers and customers alike. Acceptances or complaints about services can be handled quickly and easily digitally.
Improve first-time calls and customer support in the telecommunications infrastructure. AIVITEX enables technicians to remotely identify and resolve issues, reducing downtime and improving network reliability. Digital on-site inspections for fiber rollout are efficient and sustainable.
Optimize e.g. pre-checks of charging station installations with online checks, handle initial customer requests digitally and simplify support for maintenance tasks remotely. With AIVITEX, you ensure that your customers' support requests are processed digitally and managed efficiently.
Document damages digitally. Using smartphones and digital tools, damage reports can be quickly and accurately recorded online. The digital recordings can be immediately forwarded to insurance companies or repair services, speeding up the process and saving time and resources.
Our services go beyond software. We offer exclusive remote support to ensure your business is always running smoothly. Our dedicated team is here when you need assistance, whether it's implementing our solutions or solving challenges.
Discover how AIVITEX can drive digital transformation for services and remote support in your industry. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you deliver world-class digital services and remote support that will elevate your business to a sustainable level in these times of skills shortages.
10437 Berlin